Evolutionary architecture: Agile meets software design
Railway Oriented TypeScript
What no one tells you about the architect role
Railway Oriented TypeScript
T for TypeScript, T for Train, robust code you will maintain
Your biggest opportunity to learn is out there
Promised Blue Moon: Why I chose TypeScript
In Czech: Modré z nebe: proč používám TypeScript
Web of the Future with AMP
*In Czech:* Weby budoucnosti s AMP
The Habits of Highly Effective Engineers
Netlify CMS outside Netlify 🇨🇿
In Czech: Netlify CMS na vlastní doméně
Netlify CMS outside Netlify
Symbols complicated it all 🇨🇿
In Czech: Symboly to celé zkomplikovaly
Yarn 2
Typed Functional Programming in TypeScript with fp-ts
Practising the Decision-Making Diet in a JavaScript Developer’s Life
Practising the Decision-Making Diet in a JavaScript Developer’s Life
Symbols complicated it all
Jest Can Do Whaaat?
Jest, Snapshot testing, and Vue.js
Async testing Koa with Jest
Async testing in Jest
15 months of Accelerated Mobile Pages
Two years of Elm 🇨🇿
In Czech: Dva roky Elmu
Snapshot testing in Jest
Snapshot testing in Jest
Purifying React
React – When Honeymoon Period Passes 🇨🇿
In Czech: React – když odezní zamilovanost
CSS Code Quality with Automatic Tools 🇨🇿
In Czech: Automatické nástroje pro kvalitní CSS
React and Mistakes of CSS 🇨🇿
In Czech: React a omyly jazyka CSS
React and CSS 🇨🇿
In Czech: React a CSS
Advanced Responsive Images 🇨🇿
*In Czech:* Pokročilé responzivní obrázky
What a modern ‘HTML Coder’ needs to know 🇨🇿
*In Czech:* Co musí umět moderní „HTML kodér“
About the Picture Element in Ostrava 🇨🇿
*In Czech:* O elementu picture v Ostravě
How Has the Responsive Web Broken Images to Us 🇨🇿
*In Czech:* Jak nám responzivní web rozbil obrázky
Code Organization in a Team 🇨🇿
*In Czech:* Organizace kódu v týmu